Hoyes, Michalos & Associates Inc.
Stop struggling with debt. At Hoyes, Michalos & Associates Inc. we can help you eliminate your debt problems and begin rebuilding your financial health.
Our local Oshawa trustee, Alison Petrie, is a Licensed Insolvency Trustee and a qualified Financial Coach and Credit Counsellor. Born and raised in Oshawa, Alison understands the impact that the shift away from manufacturing jobs in Oshawa in recent years has had on families, as well as the gains made with the influx of new industries like the University of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT). She knows that debt problems can happen to anyone, for any number of reasons. As a Chartered Accountant, Trustee and Debt Counsellor she has the experience to address and solve all of your debt issues.
Contact us today for a no-charge initial consultation.

Alison Petrie
Licensed Insolvency Trustee

Oshawa Bankruptcy Office
419 King Street West
Oshawa Executive Centre, Suite 202
Toll Free: 1-(866) 747-0660 or 310-PLAN
Website: Hoyes.com
Located in the Oshawa Executive Centre, on the corner of King and Stevenson. Use Entrance 7. Our Oshawa office serves individuals throughout Durham Region including residents of Bowmanville, Clarington, Whitby, Port Perry, and Uxbridge.
- There is elevator access to the office, which is located on the 2nd floor. It’s also fully wheelchair accessible.
- There is lots of free parking available at this location.